Monday, December 10, 2012


so how was your weekend? oh, mine?it was busy. on saturday, i had to do all of my kumon homework so i wouldnt have to do it on sunday or today. yesterday i went to my cousin makaena's house at 9:00am to make an entry for our iron chef christmas tradition. after that i went to my cousin jaycinda's house at about 5 or 6:00pm to try on my shepherds costume for th christmas program at school. after that, at about 9:00pm i went back to makaena's house for dinner with the family. Sssooo as you can see, my weekend was very very VERY busy.

Saturday, December 8, 2012


i am so mad. today i was out in the front yard looking in the car for my lunch pail when my grandpa took out a pogo stick from the garage. when i found my lunch pail i went inside and asked my dad why there was a pogo stick in the garage. my dad got so mad and went into the garage. he came back in and told me that the pogo stick was one of my Christmas presents. most people wait for Christmas to see their presents but mine was just out in the open telling me to look at it. it was so big you couldn't even wrap it. i hope i forget about it before Christmas so it could be a surprise again. its too bad i cant ride on it yet.

Thursday, December 6, 2012


so today at 4:00pm i was supposed to call my cousin on a walkie-talkie and i did but she didn't answer. so i called again at 5:00pm and she didn't answer again! when we met up at the mall i kept on asking her about the walkie-talkie. do you know what she said to me? she said,"I lost it!" She LOST it! i mean we've only had for a day  and she already lost it! i was so frustrated because i wasted my battery just trying to call her. she said she thought she left it on top of the fire place. she checked there and guess what..... She FOUND IT!!! but there she goes again not answering her walkie-talkie!
UGHHH!! children these days...{I'm 10 years old}

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

AWESOME!! But scary!!!!!!!!!!!

so, today i was at school doing art when"Hope!" my religion teacher called. she pulled me out to the hallway and told me that i would be in the religion decathalon i was so happy!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

wwoww! i dont have ANYTHING to do today. How about you guys?